Tax Efficiency Services - PayNoTax Alternatives & Options

When Planning, Transferring, Flipping or Selling Any Property or Business

Summaries of Alternatives For Diversification While Saving Tax Expense


Significant Asset Gain       Protect Income      Reduce Tax Burden     Asset Diversification      Protect Taxable Gains

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SAVE with Tax Saving Alternatives For Asset Owners-Sellers By Following New Tax Code

with Maximum Tax Deferral & Liquid Income Real Estate - Pay No Tax Potential

What we do

We assist with asset transfer by exchange and/or tax deferral assets as replacements plus advise entity & asset assignment to be most financially efficient for tax and estate goals. Can assist to divest, merge or purchase assets for most advantageous ownership with financial and estate goal consideration for owner goals. A M&A background and experience in agriculture and energy allow FEC and Ken Wheeler Jr. to be familiar with tax advantages some tax professionals may not encounter.


Enjoy New Tax Deductions



Acquisition Allows to Pay No Tax when selling any property - Can replace IRC 1031 Like Kind Exchange without Limitations


First priority is property location, viability, income and management experience.

New and old energy tax codes combined in 2018 allows 100% deduction up to $6M for all types income

Over $6M up to 90%+ deduction - all types of income included, not as in an IRC 1031 property exchange

Amount is for any type income as gain, depreciation recapture, ordinary, and investment including dividends

Comprehensive management with active participation tax advantages §469. Working interest and passive investment:   If one owns a working interest in any oil or gas property, either directly or through an entity that doesn't limit the taxpayer's liability with respect to the interest, it is non-passive activity, regardless of the taxpayer's participation.

As preferred energy rehab project can involve taxable gain/recapture, not necessarily original basis or cost of asset

Project accounted and managed by high integrity CPAs, experienced, formerly with large CPA entity

Client CPA can enjoy energy tax code experienced CPAs for reference to client individual tax goals

Personal plan for each client to maximize client goal; i.e. more or less current income or gain

Recorded ownership allows to sell owned income property or IRC 1031 exchange to other qualified real estate

Income has tax shelter, gain can have tax shelter carried forward 15 years

Project manager's plan is to divest in three-four years with choice to divest sooner or choose to continue in project

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Tax Deferred for Exchange

For tax deferral the IRS Section 1031 is prominent.

Project accounted and managed by high integrity experienced property management with positive track record

Personal plan for each client to maximize client goal; i.e. more or less current income or gain

Recorded ownership allows to market or sell owned income property or IRC 1031 to qualified real estate

Income can have tax shelter, more with cost segregation. Gain can have tax shelter.

Most projects plan to divest in three-four years. Potential to divest sooner or choose to continue in project



   Your Personal Asset Estate LegacyChange Plan

Assist elimination tax relief of your appreciated assets, sell, and pass through a third party non-profit company,

 which generates a tax deduction that solves the tax problem, plus also creates a guaranteed income stream that

over time will replace the full value of the asset. This prevents heir/beneficiary disagreements over sale of assets

as can be common in a trust or will.  Any or all assets are eligible.


For Asset Owners and Sellers Conserving With Recession Resistant and Managed Real Estate


Tax Deferred for Exchange

For tax deferral the IRC Section 1031 is prominent.  Cost segregation potential.

Project accounted and managed by high integrity experienced property management with positive track record

Higher income with 15-20 year absolute lease (no owner expenses) by major tenant for new income property

Recession resistant property category

Recorded ownership allows to market or sell owned income property or IRC 1031 to qualified real estate

Absolute lease: The renter pays all real estate taxes, all maintenance and all insurances with owner as beneficiary.



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We invite interested parties to meet and know our property managers, CPAs and rehab principals.

One can have a mediocre income property managed by experienced good managers and have success.

One can have the best property managed by poor or less integrity managers and do poorly fail.

We work with the best managers and venture partners.

To visit as venture partners we will complete non-disclosure agreements as all parties financial detail is confidential.

Request Non-Disclosure Agreement (NDA) when visiting about confidential detail



Opportunity Zones are development tool designed to spur development and job creation in certain communities. Opportunity Zones provide investors with a different tax tool than a 1031 tax deferred exchange, but can provide tax benefits if investments meet certain conditions. 

The Opportunity Zone program is a new investment vehicle created under a provision of the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act of December 2017. The program was developed to encourage investors to invest funds in economically distressed communities thereby stimulating economic development in these areas.  When certain funds are invested in these communities, known as Qualified Opportunity Zones (QOZ), investors are able to enjoy immediate as well as eventual tax benefits.  Such benefits can include deferral of gain, partial forgiveness of deferred gain and complete forgiveness of certain additional future gains if certain investment criteria are satisfied. A 10 year commitment for full advantage is a consideration.

Locations can be challenging which is the reason for encouragement to consider this method.

One can learn more about the basics of Opportunity Zones here:

  You can find Opportunity Zone resources including a map of all designated Opportunity Zones here:



There are various tax strategies involving selling property that is both a personal residence and investment property. If property is held partially for personal use and partially for investment, such as a working ranch with a house on it in which the owner lives, a portion of the gain from the sale of the personal residence is exempt from tax under IRC §121 and the remaining tax can be deferred under §1031. Revenue Procedure 2005-14 clarifies how Sections 121 and 1031 can be used at the same time in connection with the disposition of the same property.

One can simplify without the §1031 exchange. LegacyChange and certain Income Rehab properties can defer or deduct all gain and depreciation recapture tax.  The certain Income Rehab replacement property advantage is it can encompass only the gain allowing basis to be included to deduct gain and other tax.

By the end of 2019, over $15 trillion worth of inheritance will pass through the probate courts in America. The #1 asset sold first is the real estate. We inform and can assist for efficient transfer of asset ownership.

To visit as venture partners we will complete non-disclosure agreements as all parties financial detail is confidential.

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Minimum Project $100k

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Note: Your Personal or Business Tax Advisor is your final advisor for consultation. IRC 179-Bonus may be used.


Rehab & New Replacement Income Properties For Tax Planning



 Oil & Gas Tax Advantage       Tax Code Business Property        Capital Gains Tax         Other Influential 2018 IRS Code        2018 Tax Brackets

Capital Gains Tax Rates         Figuring Depreciation Recapture         IRC Depreciation and Recapture Rules        IRC 179       More 179+Bonus        Go To Page PM    

Funder -LLC Member Qualification (PM3) Main Index    Back to PayNoTax Home Page      1031FEC Page: (Net Investment Income Tax)

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Ken Wheeler Jr. Mobile (515) 238-9266

Business Entry-Management-Exit Plans - BEME

Tax Reduction - Legal - Estate - Tax - Exit Planning


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Property Manager Representative

Financial Exchange Coterie   

Florida International Trade Center

5206 Station Way    Sarasota, FL 34233

Message Only (941) 227-3024  -  Voice 800-333-0801 -  Fax: 888-898-6009

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Certified Probate Real Estate Specialist


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Tax and Legal Advisors always recommended. 


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